


第三集:《迷你亡灵之夜》Night of the Mini DeadThe apocalypse is conceived – literally – in a graveyard in this biting zombie satire, which starts with some cheeky cemetery sex and accelerates into a walking dead invasion of everywhere – from downtown LA to the Vatican. It’s the end of the world as we gnaw it.天启的构思——从字面上看——是在这部尖刻的僵尸讽刺剧中的墓地里,从一些厚颜无耻的墓地性 /爱开始,然后加速进入从洛杉矶市中心到梵蒂冈的行尸走肉入侵。 当我们啃食它时,它就是世界末日。



第九集《吉巴罗》JibaroFantasy and greed combine in this re-imagining of the traditional folktale of a siren whose song lures men to their doom. But her sorcery fails to work on the deaf knight, Jibaro, and the Golden Woman becomes fascinated by him. Thus begins a deadly dance of two predators.幻想和贪婪结合在这个对传统民间故事的重新想象中,塞壬的歌声引诱男人走向灭亡。 但她的魔法对聋骑士吉巴罗无效,金女对他着迷。 两个掠食者的致命舞蹈就这样开始了。

